Indian cardamom growers plan auctions boycott

INDIAN cardamom traders in Bodinayakanur, Thevaram, Cumbum and Virudhunagar in Tamil Nadu and Kumily in Kerala have decided to boycott cardamom auctions.
The boycott is a response to a recent decision by the Spices Board to reduce growers’ contributions, which would deprive the traders of Rs1.50 per kg on cardamom sold to bidding traders as cleaning and grading charges.
However, cardamom growers, who have been suffering from low prices, hailed the decision
Around 80% to 90% of India’s production is from Kerala and Tamil Nadu and of this, around 90% is sold through auctions conducted by seven auctioning companies in Vandanmedu, Kumily, Pulianmala, Nedumkandam and Bodinayakannur.